Resident & Family Councils

Close up of a caregiver holding an elderly person's hand

Residents’ and Family Councils

Residents’ Council

At Dundas Manor, our Residents’ Council has a strong voice. We have a monthly meeting where residents are provided with the opportunity to participate actively in matters that affect their daily lives. All residents are encouraged to attend meetings and share their ideas, concerns and preferences. The support and inspire each other. It is an opportunity for residents to learn about and give input into policies, procedures and practices at Dundas Manor.


We have a leadership style executive that includes two representatives from each unit who sit on the Council Executive. These members are involved in many ways including chairing the meetings, sitting in on staff interviews and attending our staff awards ceremony.  

The Council exists to ensure that problems concerning residents are quickly and effectively addressed by the Administration at Dundas Manor. The Council makes suggestions for improvement to benefit all residents. Minutes of the meetings are posted on the Nursing Information board. If you would like additional information about the Residents’ Council and its role within our home, please contact Jennifer Hill, Activity Director, at (613) 774-2293


Family Council

Currently, we have a family support group that meets monthly to discuss any ideas or concerns about Dundas Manor. If you would like to get involved, please contact our Activity Director, Jennifer Hill at (613) 774-2293